Cock Clothing​


Kind Fashion

Discover stylish tees that foster a gentler, more respectful human coexistence and join us in redefining responsible consumption for a better world.

Fair Labor

Delight in thoughtfully crafted apparel, uniting fair labor practices and skin-friendly, quality silk for ultimate comfort.

Support Humans

Every purchase empowers, primarily aiding Women Help Associations while also supporting diverse causes for a brighter future for all of us.


At Cock Clothing Company, we’re a group of like-minded individuals who believe that masculinity doesn’t have to be defined by aggression or domination. Instead, we strive to create a community of men who embrace kindness, fairness, and respect towards all. Our apparel reflects this philosophy, promoting a gentler and more inclusive masculinity that still allows for strength and confidence. We believe that our actions can make a difference, and we’re committed to promoting positive change in the world.


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